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MSPE's Educational Foundation is exempt from taxation under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and contributions to it are deductible under Section 170 of the code.


The Missouri Society of Professional Engineers Educational Foundation (MSPE-EF) was established in January 1968 to promote the study of engineering and educate the public about engineering. It is governed by a Board of Directors made of 10 members of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers.  The Foundation is authorized to receive and administer funds for charitable and educational purposes under Section 501 (c) (3) of the IRS code.


The MSPE-EF works to fulfill its mission by providing annual financial support to the Missouri State MATHCOUNTS Program.  In addition, through its Chapter Grants Program, the Foundation supports a variety of STEM activities throughout the state. 

The MSPE-EF is also able to encourage the professional licensure of engineering educators at the University of Missouri Campuses due to the generous endowment from William R. and Mila Kimel.


  • Study and improve the practice of professional engineering and to promote the elevation of engineering standards.
  • Promote the study of engineering and the continuing education of engineers.
  • Support the publishing and distribution of reports and other works of engineering subjects.
  • Improve the relations between engineers and the public.
  • Foster suitable standards of engineering education and the moral fitness of the licensing of Professional Engineers.
  • Provide scholarships and financial assistance to students, faculty and administration of engineering schools approved by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.

Contact the Foundation

Please email any questions to


Office: 573-636-4861
Fax: 573-636-5475
308 E. High St., Ste 100
Jefferson City, MO 65101

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