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  • MSPE Educational Foundation Grants 

  • $18,500.00 distributed by the MSPE Educational Foundation for local support of MATHCOUNTS, Model Bridge Contests, FE Exam preparation and other STEM efforts for 2023-2024 activities. 

  • MSPE Educational Foundation Grant Guidelines & Application Process

    $18,900.00 Available for FY 2024-2025

    1.   At the MSPE Annual Meeting, the Educational Foundation (EF) Board of Directors, as part of the annual budget approval process, will vote on the amount of EF funds to be distributed equitably among MSPE Chapters and Student Chapters as grants for approved activities that comply with the EF purpose, as specified in the Bylaws.  EF Grant funding shall be based upon the MSPE fiscal year.

    2.  By June 30, the EF shall notify the Chapter and Student Chapter presidents of the maximum amount available as EF Grants for the current fiscal year and notify them that the submission of Grant Applications must be received by the EF by July 31st of the current fiscal year.            

    3.   Chapters must submit a written plan, schedule and budget for Chapter activities that they wish to be considered for EF funding.  These written plans, schedules and budgets must be detailed on the EF Grant Application form. Unless the EF Board waives this requirement, all requests submitted after the deadline will not be considered until the following fiscal year.  If more than one proposed activity is submitted by a Chapter, then each activity must be prioritized by the Chapter in case full funding of all activities is not possible.

    4.   The EF Grants Committee will review each application to verify that the proposed activities meet the 501(c)(3) criteria.  A report of the EF Grants Committee will be forwarded onto the EF Board of Directors for review and approval before the August meeting.  Notice of awards will be announced by August 31st.

    5.   Activities shall meet EF guidelines and 501(c)(3) criteria.

    6.   Should a Chapter not request EF funds, their potential portion may be distributed to other MSPE Chapters and Student Chapters.  Distribution of funds will be based on the merit of the proposal and available funds.  

    7.   Distribution of EF Grant funds will occur based upon the proposed Chapter activity schedule and the specified date EF Grant funds are needed as listed on the EF Grant Application.  In order to qualify for any EF Grant funding in the next fiscal year, Chapters shall submit receipts of all EF Grant funded expenses prior to June 1st.

    8.  Should a Chapter not expend the total amount requested or request an extension of time prior to June 1st, the unused EF Grant funds will be forfeited and shall be returned to the EF for deposit into the EF general fund.

    9.   If a Chapter plans to start a new activity for which the start-up costs exceed their grant and the Chapter does not have the funds to make up the deficit, they may submit a proposal for "banking" their grant for one year.  Unless approved by the EF Board of Directors, a maximum of one (1) year’s grant amount can be banked.  Banking can only be used on a project that has start-up costs exceeding the one year Chapter grant.  If the proposed activity does not come to fruition in the following year, the grant funds will revert back to the EF general fund.

    10.   If there are not enough approved requests for the available grant funds, any excess funds will be returned to the EF general fund.

    11.   Chapters should be cautioned that there is no guarantee for future annual grant distributions.  The amount of grant funds, if any, to be distributed to the Chapters will be determined once a year when the EF budget is approved at the Annual Meeting of the EF Board of Directors.  This amount may vary from year to year depending on the financial status of the EF and direction of the MSPE EF Board of Directors.

  • Please email forms and any questions to

  • MSPE Educational Foundation goals:

    •  Study and improve the practice of professional engineering and to promote the elevation of engineering standards.
    • Promote the study of engineering and the continuing education of engineers.
    • Support the publishing and distribution of reports and other works of engineering subjects.
    • Improve the relations between engineers and the public.
    • Foster suitable standards of engineering education and the moral fitness of the licensing of Professional Engineers.
    • Provide scholarships and financial assistance to students, faculty and administration of engineering schools approved by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.


  • June 5, 2024 – EF Board adopts FY 2024-2025 Budget
  • June 30, 2024 – MSPE Chapters notified of amount of available Grant funding
  • July 31, 2024 – Grant Applications due to be submitted to/received by EF staff
  • August 31, 2024 – EF announces recipients/amounts of grant funding
  • May 31, 2025 – Chapters must submit documentation of how funds were spent and return unused funds to the Foundation. “Banking” of grant funds for one year will only be allowed for start-up costs for new projects and must have prior approval by the EF Board of Directors. 
  • Deadlines Revised February 14, 2022

Office: 573-636-4861
Fax: 573-636-5475
308 E. High St., Ste 100
Jefferson City, MO 65101

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