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Donor Development/Fundraising Committee

Charge: Responsible for developing and implementing strategies to increase the Foundation’s ability to provide financial support to the MSPE Chapter programs by soliciting donations from individuals who support the Foundation’s mission and through other fundraising efforts.  

Chair: Matt Bedinghaus, P.E.


Grants Committee

Charge: Responsible for administering the grant application/evaluation process and make recommendations to the Foundation Board regarding the awarding of grant funding.

Chair: Kevin Skibiski, P.E., F.NSPE


David Heise, P.E., PhD

Ron Zitterkopf, P.E., F.NSPE

Kimel Endowment Committee

Charge: Oversee the management of the Kimel endowment.

Chair: David Heise, P.E., PhD


Bob Becnel, P.E., F.NSPE

Marie Collins, P.E.

Charles Morris, PhD, P.E.

Breck Washam, P.E., F.NSPE

Investment Management Committee

Charge: Responsible for developing an Investment Policy that will establish the investment objectives and provide a set of investment parameters to govern the type, quality, diversification and term of investment in order to realize the investment objectives of the Missouri Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE). In addition, the Committee monitors the actions of the financial advisor performance of the investments and within the guidelines of policy to take advantage of market conditions to increase return and/or reduce risk.

Chair: Christine Grunbaum, P.E.


Office: 573-636-4861
Fax: 573-636-5475
308 E. High St., Ste 100
Jefferson City, MO 65101

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