This announcement serves as official notice of a proposed amendment to be considered by the membership during the annual convention at Lake Ozark on Monday, June 17 at 2:30 PM. The amendment proposes condensing the MSPE Board of Directors from 30 to 24 directors by allowing each chapter to have a single board representative that has weighted voting.
President Michael Purol and President-elect Bob Becnel asked the Bylaws Committee, chaired by Ross Kasmann, to consider the amendment. MSPE currently has the largest Board of Directors among the state societies across the nation.
The “weighted voting” concept reduces the Board size while allowing each chapter to keep their respective voting power. For example, the Ozark Chapter would name one person as their Board representative who will attend Board meetings and carry three votes. The Jefferson City Chapter would send one person and carry two votes. This way the Board is smaller and more manageable but chapters are not being harmed by taking away any voting power.
The amendment is modeled off of how the NSPE House of Delegates works. Each state/territory has one person in the HOD and they have different votes based on their membership size.
Pursuant to ARTICLE XVII, Section 3, the Bylaws Committee has brought this amendment forward. Because the proposed amendment is a “governance” change, the process to approve is to present the amendment to the membership in writing with 30 days’ notice (published in the Spring Missouri Engineer) and at the convention’s membership meeting members can vote to approve or disapprove. The changes must be approved by a 2/3 majority of members at the meeting to prevail.
Click here to see proposed changes to ARTICLE V- Board of Directors (Governance): MSPE Bylaws.pdf