MSPE Members,
MSPE recognizes the growing concern associated with the impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus) as federal, state and local governments work to minimize risk and prevent its spread. We are closely following the guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and our public health officials.
To that end, we urge our society chapters to follow CDC recommendations regarding upcoming meetings this spring. No changes have been determined for future MSPE state events at this time.
MSPE staff remains committed to maintain membership services without interruption. We are equipped with technology services and solutions that allow us to continue serving you from our Jefferson City office or in the event staff must work from home.
MSPE has a dedicated conference call line available for committees and chapters to continue necessary business while avoiding in-person meetings. For assistance in this area, please contact our office at 573-636-4861 or
We will keep our membership abreast of updates as soon as it becomes available. We urge our members to use caution and stay safe during the following weeks.
Kind regards,
MSPE Staff
Link to CDC: