The MSPE Educational Foundation is forming its new Board of Directors. Effective on July 1, the new Board of Directors will feature eleven stakeholders charged to support the EF mission and objectives.
Several seats on the new EF Board of Directors are appointed by committees directly involved in the EF mission or interests. However, several seats are open and solicited by the Nominating & Tellers Committee.
Nominating & Tellers Committee, chaired by Michael Purol, P.E., is seeking members interested in the following Board seats:
- Two at-large MSPE members interested in furthering MSPE EF objectives.
- A former president of MSPE.
- Two representatives from University faculty.
The Nominating & Tellers Committee is now accepting applications for candidates. Deadline for submission is April 30.
Click this link for the application for the at-large representative to return to the MSPE office by April 30. If you are a former MSPE president or university faculty interested in serving, please contact Michael Purol via the MSPE office at
In addition to the seats listed above, the balance of the EF Board will be populated by the following: a MATHCOUNTS representative, representative of the Kimel Endowment Committee, representative of the Building Committee (EF owns the MSPE office building), the EF Treasurer is automatically the same person as the MSPE treasurer, representative from the MSPE Board of Directors (not including treasurer) and the MSPE Executive Director (ex-officio).
Once the new Board of Directors is formed, the EF Board will meet for the first time on June 15 in Columbia at the MSPE Convention and elect a President and Vice President among the members of the Board.
Objectives of the MSPE Educational Foundation:
- To study and improve the practice of professional engineering and to promote the elevation of engineering standards.
- To promote the study of engineering and research therein, the diffusion of knowledge thereof, and the continuing education of engineers by only charitable, educational or literary means.
- To cause to be published and to distribute addresses, reports, treatises, and other works on engineering subjects.
- To improve relations between engineers and the public by only charitable, educational or literary means.
- To foster suitable standards of engineering education for the licensing of Professional Engineers.